Thursday, August 28, 2008

mYneW hObbY.....

now my new hobby is (JAMMING)
Wanna know how fun jamming?? juz follow us ..

the first time we jamm is on 6-8-08
the first thing that morning I and Nabil planing what song are we goint to play..
second thing is we ask people wanna follow or not..
then after school me and Naif go to my house, then 1 by 1 people come to my house
waiting waimin for so long like wanna left him only
finnaly arrive at the jamming studio
and that was my 1st time to play electric guitar a.k.a damn heavy..
all dunno what to do.. juz blurring around..
then jam until tak ingat dunia.. hehehe..

second time jamming was on 13-8-08
like usual always planning before do something
walking with Naif using school road... everybody asking where are you going??
then we just quiet only..
arrive at Ampang Point meet Nabil then eat at mamak shop while waiting the others
damn long ....
then enter the jamming studio and haziq starting to shuffling around like budak kampung...Lol..
starting was ok.. then Haziq go and break the drum steak and have to pay RM15 damn
then after jamm we go play futsal...

third time jamming was on 17-8-08
me, Nabil and Nabil's cousin
here where i started to feel the fun..

Band Crew (no name) havent think about it..
1. me(Rubenz) a.k.a Guitar 1

2. Nabil a.k.a Guitar 2
3. Haziq a.k.a Drummer (noob)
4. Naif a.k.a Guitar 3
5.Rasyid a.k.a Vocalist